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360º Feedback for a Manufacturing Company

Business Case

The president of a mid-sized manufacturing company wanted to remove obstacles in the decision-making process that were preventing the company from achieving its growth plan. 

The current decision-making process required the president’s involvement in almost all operational decisions for the firm. Management felt like they would be penalized if they made decisions without involving the president at the earliest stages of the process, and thus didn’t collaborate with each other. As a result of this “hub and spoke” process, the quality of important decisions was often poor.

The president said he needed a methodology for communicating to the management team to flag which decisions were his exclusively and which decisions could be left to them.

CMA used a 360° feedback process to collect information from the president’s executive team, receiving detailed feedback on how decisions were currently made at the company. We then worked with the entire team to develop a system that promoted delegation for decision-making as far down into the management structure as possible.


As a result of CMA’s engagement, decision-making became much clearer and more effective for the firm, and the company’s aggressive growth targets were achieved as planned.