5 habits of great leaders
In today’s highly competitive and changing business environment, leaders must be quite a bit more adaptable than in the past. In particular, leaders must consistently be aware of ways to optimize their organizations in order to stay competitive. This is typically manifested in certain values, and ultimately, behaviors.
Inc recently shared several habits of great leaders with 5 key ones being:
- • Encourage involvement and initiative
- • Provide autonomy and flexibility
- • Engage in action learning and application
- • Recognize and praise
- • Constantly renew focus and revise goals
Regarding the latter point, Inc had this to say:
[note color=”#B6D6F0″]All performance starts with clear goals and expectations. Great leaders regularly prioritize and reevaluate existing company and employee goals–ideally with those most responsible for attaining them–and ensure they are focused on those things that matter most to the company and its customers. One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result; a related version is to continue doing the same things even though the environment you operate in has significantly changed. Doing things differently begins with reviewing and revising goals, then regularly checking progress and revising those goals as necessary.
[/note]For additional behaviors that distinguish good from great leaders, please see the originating article.