Interview questions to select for innovation
When most people hear the word “innovation,” they associate it with companies such as Google, Amazon, and Apple. While there are ways to easily increase your ability to innovate, including by changing the work environment, perhaps the most direct way of doing so is to select for it.
Apple’s selection interview questions provide some insight into how they select innovative talent. Below are five actual questions from Apple:
[note color=”#B6D6F0″]- What are your failures, and how have you learned from them?
- Describe an interesting problem and how you solved it.
- You have a 100 coins laying flat on a table, each with a head side and a tail side. 10 of them are heads up, 90 are tails up. You can’t feel, see or in any other way find out which side is up. Split the coins into two piles such that there are the same number of heads in each pile.
- Explain to a 8 year old what a modem/router is and it’s functions.
- Are you creative? What’s something creative that you can think of?
For additional questions from Apple that may be worthwhile to consider within your own selection processes, please see Business Insider.