5 tips for a healthier workday
It is not uncommon for many of today’s professionals to work in sedentary environments. These environments typically consist of poor eating due to a lack of time, stress due to heavy workloads, and sitting for large portions of time in front of a computer in an effort to increase productivity. However, such environments, without proper intervention, may be detrimental to your health! In fact, research shows that individuals who sit for long periods have an increased risk of disease.
Fortunately, there are 5 key tips that can help you achieve a healthier workday.
- Eat healthy, all day long
- Setup a more ergonomic workspace
- Get up and move
- Avoid eyestrain at your computer
- Cultivate personal rituals that keep you sane
Regarding the last tip, Lifehacker had this to say:
[note color=”#B6D6F0″]It may seem silly, but little personal rituals during the day—whether it’s a relaxing afternoon cup of tea or kicking back with the funnies—can really improve your mental and physical health. So don’t neglect them! You should already be taking a few breaks during the day, so use them to your advantage. Having a good daily routine can go a long way.
[/note]For other tips that can facilitate a healthy workplace, please see the original article.