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5 ways to be a more personable leader


When we typically think of business leaders, words such as “assertive”, “aggressive”, and “perseverance” typically come to mind. While these can all be positive leadership attributes, there is generally a disregard for the “softer” and more interpersonal leadership qualities. Considering that organizations are made up of and rely on people to effectively function, these other qualities may equally be of importance to the others.

There are numerous interpersonal leadership qualities that may be beneficial to develop. Inc recently highlighted 12 attributes, with 5 of them being:

  1. Be Confident and Show Empathy
  2. Be Punctual and Show Forgiveness
  3. Be Proud and Show Humility
  4. Be Recognized and Show Recognition
  5. Be Generous and Show Gratitude

Regarding the latter point, Inc had this to add:

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Leaders must give of themselves constantly. They give their time, knowledge, energy, motivation, and insights. They know that the more they give, the more success the team will achieve, and often they do so selflessly. But followers give as well. To feel worthwhile the team needs to know the leader appreciates how the team has gone above and beyond. A grateful leader has a loyal following.


Have you been led by someone who mastered one or more of these?  How did it affect you as a follower? Share it with us in our LinkedIn Group.

For other ways of being a more personable leader, please see the original article on Inc.