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5 ways of overcoming the challenge of motivating Millennials


Millennials, those born between the early 80’s and early 2000’s, are a unique generation with distinctive characteristics. In particular, Millennials want various things from a company such as:

  • • Opportunities to develop their skills
  • • Strong values
  • • Work-life integration and balance
  • • Opportunities for speedy advancement

They also want supervisors who:

  • • Help them navigate their careers and move up the business ladder quickly
  • • Mentor and coach them
  • • Provide them with flexible schedules and formal programs

Fortunately, there are some best practices for working with Millennials in the office environment:

  1. Be a mentor. Lead by example and be a model for demonstrating how tasks should be completed.
  2. Stay positive. Provide constructive feedback and stay optimistic.
  3. Encourage them to share their ideas. Show Millennials that they are values by providing a forum for them to voice their opinions and share suggestions. This generation often thinks outside of the box and offers fresh ideas.
  4. Define work expectations. Provide concrete examples of how work should be completed. Set clear expectations.
  5. Surround them with a team of management resources. Provide opportunities for Millennials to learn from those above them. Allow them to shadow on particular projects.

Follow these basic tips and learn how to challenge and work alongside Millennials in your office!