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How to improve team relations within a negative environment


Practically all organizations thrive (and in many cases) require a team-based structure in order to operate at peak performance. While teams are formed in order to accomplish a specific objective, this cannot be successfully done without considering the interpersonal dynamics of a team. In particular, when individuals of different personalities, interests, and (to an extent) goals are brought together, there is bound to be some degree of conflict. This, consequently, can breed further negativity that could derail any team.

Considering that “one bad apple can spoil the bunch,” a group of researchers set out to determine how to curtail the effects of a negative team atmosphere. In research published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, the researchers discovered that how frequently team members talked amongst one another did not neutralize negative relationships. Rather, what did improve the situation were team members going to one another for advice and support due to needing to depend on another to complete a task.

How can you use these findings to improve your team’s dynamics?

Take extra precaution with how you build your teams. Taking extra precaution means ensuring that each team member is a unique and valued contributor to the team. In other words, treat the team as a large puzzle with each individual team member representing a unique piece. Ensure that each team member brings a unique skillset and perspective. This will help to ensure that the team members will have to support one another to accomplish the team’s overall objectives.

To read more about the study, please see the original article.