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What 25,000 leaders have to say about their top challenges

Registration is now open for CMA’s leadership development program, The Leadership Advantage (TLA). Interested? Consider the insights below from a recent study of 25,000 global leaders on the importance of leadership development.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams

In a global study of over 25,000 leaders, the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) assessed the competencies most important for leadership success. Out of 16, six emerged as most critical: (1) Building Collaborative Relationships, (2) Leading Employees, (3) Strategic Perspective, (4) Taking Initiative, (5) Participative Management, and (6) Change Management.

The study also examined industry-specific data. Across industries, Leading Employees arose as the competency leaders struggle with the most. This includes coaching, providing feedback, and motivating and developing others. Collaborative Relationships is another area in which leaders are least proficient. This includes building relational networks and demonstrating political savvy.

These competencies are keys to organizational success, but why do so many leaders struggle in them? One reason is that many leaders are promoted to the next level based on their technical strength. The same qualities that make one successful as an individual contributor are not always the qualities that make one successful as a leader. These “soft” skill competencies are even more critical as one moves to the next level.

How, then, do you develop your rising leaders to grow in these areas? Three strategies are supported by ample research:

  1. Stretch assignments – These are experiential assignments that move one out of his/her comfort zone into situations rich with learning and growth opportunities.
  2. Relationships – This includes support such as feedback, mentoring, and coaching.
  3. Training – Many simply do not have the right tools in their tool box to lead. Leadership training can facilitate knowledge, implementation, and skill sustainability.

Interested in taking your leadership to the next level? CMA is currently enrolling leaders in this year’s leadership development program, The Leadership Advantage (TLA). Each year, a new cohort of leaders from across industries joins together for customized development and multi-modal learning. Each cohort leaves the program having made lasting connections and real changes to issues facing their organizations. Don’t miss this year’s program!

For details, see our brochure, visit our website, or e-mail to discuss.