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Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy by Kim and Mauborgne is a great book for executive teams to read while working on an innovative strategic plan. The book discusses how blue oceans are organizational strategies that go beyond the current competition. Blue ocean strategies have identified what the customer truly wants and gets rid of the fluff. Red Oceans are strategic plans that are just trying to survive. They focus on the keeping up with the competition but not finding innovative and creative ways to get ahead.

There are Key Questions to Ask Your Team:

1. What factors can be eliminated that the industry has taken for granted?
2. What factors can be reduced well below the industry’s standard?
3. What factors can be raised well above the industry’s standard?
4. What factors can be created that the industry has never offered?

This is a good read for any executive! Pick it up today.

For more information, please review Blue Ocean Strategy.

Written by:  Dana M. Borchert, PhD
