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Executive Coaching for a Real Estate Conglomerate

Business Case

The CEO of a $1 billion real estate conglomerate wanted to enhance the leadership skills of the president of one of his company’s divisions. 

The company’s president was a very bright, hardworking manager of a rapidly growing division, but he was much better at “doing” than “leading.” He had trouble communicating the vision for the company to employees and outsiders and was more inwardly focused than customer-centric in his personal vision for the firm. Lastly, he was a poor delegator.

The CEO said he needed a resource to coach the president on the requisite skills for running the division. Realizing the difference between managing and leading, the CEO wanted his division president to have the same understanding and be able to put it into practice while being able to lay out a vision that was compelling both inside and outside of the company. Ultimately, he wanted the president to become an influential leader who could help double the size of the business.

CMA’s executive coaching services provided him with those capabilities.


In one year, the president led the division to increased revenue and profit while doubling the number of employees. His leadership scores on a 360º feedback improved by 20.6%.