Quotes successful people say daily
Actions are ultimately what make people successful. However, actions are grounded in thoughts. A recent Inc. article highlighted the most common thoughts that highly successful people say to themselves on a daily basis.
- “No one is willing to do that…so that’s what I will do.” – Separate yourself from the pack by doing what other people are unwilling to do.
- “Wow, that wasn’t so bad after all.” – Fear can be paralyzing. Challenge yourself to do something that scares or frightens you. There is no greater satisfaction than overcoming your fears.
- “I can’t do that everyday…but I can take one small step.” – Although a goal may be big and appear impossible to accomplish, start small. Take the first small step. The first step is always the hardest. The subsequent ones will become so much easier.
- “I should just be quiet.” – People that are truly confident don’t always need to talk. Don’t just talk for the sake of talking.
- “I don’t care what other people think.” – It’s your life to live. Life it on your own terms, without being consumed by the opinion of others.
- “I’ll show you.” – Embrace friendly competition. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
- “It’s not perfect…but I’m OK with that.” – Nothing you do will ever be perfect. Work hard, do your best, and let it go.
- “I should have done better.” – Successful people are not perfect by any means. However, they take ownership for their mistakes and learn from them. They take responsibility for their actions and always aim to do better.
- “That’s OK. I’ll just outwork them.” – Even if you lack the experience, talent, or knowledge that someone else has, you can still outwork them through perseverance and persistence. Go the extra mile.