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Talent Management for a Healthcare System

Business Case

The Senior Vice President of Human Resources of a 20-hospital healthcare system with 25,000 employees wanted to be able to fill the positions of retiring executives system-wide in a timely and effective manner and to understand the strengths and weakness of his executive ranks.

Key executives were slated for retirement over the next few years, yet there was no way of knowing what competencies were needed to recruit the right people to fill the jobs left by the retiring executives during this critical timeframe. The system did not have a current snapshot of leadership and management skills at the executive level, and there was also no systematic way of knowing where developmental resources of the system should be deployed.

The VP said he wanted a data-based approach that he could use with the CEO and his peers to complete a workforce plan for the entire system. He also wanted to be able to source talent from any geographic region within the organization to meet the staff and leadership needs left by the retiring executives.

CMA provided him with the capabilities of its talent management system and developmental assessment services.


The VP now has a talent management system that shows the current performance and future potential for higher-level roles for over 200 executives, many of whom are beginning to fill the slots of retiring executives.

The talent management system also gives the VP insight into areas of skill deficiencies for the executive team. As a result, the corporate university is already developing classes to meet these shortfalls, and the recruiters are working to find talent to fill these areas. In addition, as new executives enter the system, the CMA assessment data keeps the talent management system current.