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who we help

Wanting to invest in the success of your people isn’t reserved for a specific industry or type of company. That’s why we work with companies big and small, from local family-owned businesses to large government agencies.

work with us


While we work with a wide array of industries, we have developed specialized experience with certain ones. We have a wealth of experience customizing our services to fit your industry, from healthcare to retail, construction to financial.


In October of 2008, public confidence in the financial sector was shaken with seismic force.

Questions arose about solvency, risk controls and compensation policies. Bailouts, forced mergers and regulatory challenges soon followed. 

Strong leaders at all levels of a financial organization have never been more important. CMA has a long history of working with banks, insurance agencies and brokerage firms throughout the U.S., Canada and the U.K. Our financial industry clients rely on us for talent management, talent assessment and development, strategic planning, and coaching.

Jami Wolfe

Ph.D., S.P.H.R.


Our Success Stories
  • cma fact

    A company not only achieved its growth targets, but the turnover rate decreased from 19.2 % to 6.6%, and productivity increased 128%.

  • how we help
    "CMA works with financial institutions of all sizes on hiring, engaging and enhancing their teams."

    Our Team